Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Modern Puritan

            The Puritans as a religious or societal group are not in existence anymore, but some of their ideas still live on in our society. One example is how the Puritans did not have much chance for redemption from sin. Likewise, in our society, once a person breaks the law, or some other strong social code, the reputation of that can stay with them for a very long time. For instance, the popular expression “once a cheater, always a cheater” implies that people like Hester, who break their promises in a relationship, especially marriage, are sure to do it again, and can never change.
            The values of the Puritans are also present in our society in the form of the Ten Commandments. Many of these commandments have become social codes in our society. A few examples are adultery, which, though not a law, is a huge social taboo, stealing and murdering, which are against the law, and honoring your parents, which is a convention in our society. Though our society is now made up of many different religions, many values from Christianity are still very much present in it.
            Another value of the Puritans that is present in our society today is the value of good works. The Puritans believed that doing good works for others could help you gain salvation. Likewise, we view people in our society who help others as very good, honorable, and respectable people. We also require people to do service sometimes, like the requirement and the encouragement of service learning hours in high schools.

            Although Puritanism as a religion has disappeared, many of their values still live on in our society today. I think that this is because they were some of the founders of our society, and therefore some of their beliefs continued to be passed to others, even after the Puritans themselves had disappeared.


  1. You bring up some very good points on how the ideas of the Puritans are still in our society today. However, I don't completely agree with the expression "once a cheater, always a cheater". I believe that people can be forgiving for their crimes and return to their former status in society, like how Hester has been forgiving by many in her society because of her good works.

  2. I agree with basically everything you say. I think that the puritans had some really extreme life views, and their sins were not easily forgotten. Though i do think it has become easier to look past small things today, those views still hold true in most societies. Nice post.
